Basic concept of NumPy

Vandana Srivastava
3 min readJul 5, 2024

Before starting to NumPy lets learn some basic concepts of NumPy

NumPy data types:

  • i — -> integer(int8, int16, int32, int64)
  • b → boolean (True,False)
  • u — → unsigned integer (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64)
  • f — → float ( float16, float32, float64)
  • c → complex (complex64, complex128)
  • s — -> String
  • U — -> Unicode string
  • M — -> date time
  • O — → object
  • m — — -> timedelta


Array Attributes:

  • a.ndim — → return the dimension of array
  • a.shape — → return the shape of the array (m,) for 1-D array . (m,n) for 2-D array. (i,m,n) for 3-D array
  • a.size — -> to get total number of elements
  • a.dtype → to get datatype of an array
  • a.itemsize → each element going to occupy how much memory. Means number of bytes.


Arithmetic operations:

As we all know arithmetic operation are —> +, -, *, /, //, %, **.

  1. Addition + ⇒ 10+20 = 30. with add function ==> np.add(10,20)
  2. Subtraction - ⇒ 20-10 =10. with subtract function ==> np.subtract(10,20)
  3. Multiplication * ⇒ 20*10 = 200. with multiply function ==> np.multiply(10,20)
  4. Modulo % ⇒ 20%10 = 0 (remainder). with mod function ==> np.mod(10,20)
  5. Power or Exponential ** ⇒ 10**2 = 100. with power function ==> np.power(10,20)
  6. Divide / ⇒ 20/10 = 2.0 (always returns float value only). with division function ==> np.divide(10,20)
  7. Floor Divide // ⇒ (if both argument is int type then return int value, if both are float then return float value). Below are some examples.

with floor_divide function ==>


20//10 = 2

10//3 = 3

10.0 // 3 = 3.333

All these operations will be performed at element level. That means all this operation will be performed at every element of an array.


a= np.array([10,20,30,40])



Output = array([12,22,32,42])

Universal functions(ufunc):

Arithmetic operations functions are called Universal functions(ufunc) because they operate element by element on the whole array. Hence all the above functions are ufuncs.

  1. ) Array with Scalar: These are constant numeric values. All universal functions(ufunc) are Array with Scalar because all these operations will be performed at element level.

2.) Zero division Error:

10/2 ===> will show Zero division Error in python

But in Numpy we don’t get Zero Division Error, it will return Infinity (inf)

10/0 ⇒ inf

0/0 ⇒Undefined (nan)

nan means not a number.

2.) Array with Array:

If 2 arrays are not same in size, dimension and shape then on arithmetic operation it will throw an error.

In below example- the dimension of both the arrays are same but the shape is different thus throwing an error.

That’s it for now, let’s deep dive into NumPy in my upcoming blogs.

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Also, Matplotlib learnings from github:

Pandas Learnings from github:

Check some of my other blogs in this series:

Happy Learning:)



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