What, Why, and How to be a Data Scientist
As the pandemic is going on all over the world, we have a lot of time to learn and chill out while staying at home to be safe from COVID-19.
As usual, I was browsing movies on my Netflix account and was surprised when I looked into the recommended list of movies suggested by Netflix. We call it “What to watch”. Well, after watching the suggested list carefully, I was curious to know on what basis Netflix is suggesting this list to me and one thing stuck in my mind was “genre type” what I prefer to watch earlier. So, I thought to do google about it and after finding different terms such as recommendation engine, etc, got to know that ML and Data Science is the core of this type of system.
So, I thought I should try this new domain and I started learning python and recently enrolled in a Data Science course. I will keep writing about data science in my blogs, which I will learn gradually.
So without wasting any time let’s start.
Why learn Data Science?
- We are living in the age of information. In every second million of data and information gets transferred. So, in order to analyze data and get proper records, we need to be a data scientist.
- Whether it is a big organization or small organization all companies do data mining, so there are lots of scopes and a bright future ahead.
- The search engine makes use of a data science algorithm to get a result of search queries in a fraction of seconds.
- Data science used in image recognition and also used in voice assistance like google home and Alexa.
- Data science is a core of making business decisions in the organization
- While learning data science, AI is also a part of it. So, as we know AI is the future. It is used in Automation transportation, robots
- If you are in business or running a startup then it will help you in business optimization, improve your business making skills, and serve your customer efficiently. As a result, it will increase the number of customers.
- Last but not least you will get a handsome salary with a good hike.
What is Data Science?
To discover useful information from data or we can say mining data to find solutions or to predict the outcome for a problem statement.
If you are planning to be a data scientist you should be more analytic and data-driven, business analytics, and decision-maker.
The requirement to be a data Scientist:-
Some fundamental requirements are:
- Should have the knowledge of Statistics.
- Should know how to query the data.
- Should know how to interact with the command-line tool.
- Ability to do a lot of experiments in design setups and AB tests.
- Good in algorithms to build data models.
What knowledge should data scientists have?
1.) Search Algorithm
2.)What should we measure and the measurement is correct or not
3.) statistics
4.) data engineering
5.)High-level business Analysis
6.) High-Level Metrics to execute.
ToolKits data scientists know:
- ML:- C++ or maybe embedded devices or Scikit-learn or TensorFlow or Python.
- Data Engineering ToolKit which is both the abstraction layers like airflow and underlines engines like distributed SQL engines, Hive, Presto, Spark, and Flink.
- Analysis and Visualization Layer by dashboard tools like Tableau, Looker, SuperSet.
- Data Access Layer: SQL
That’s it for now, let’s deep dive into data science in my upcoming blogs.
Happy Learning:)